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How many months do you think one should date before breaking up

In this kind of scenario it depends.
The question is what led to the separation? It
could be death of a beloved partner or
unexpected occurrence like cheating.
You can still overcome a separation caused by
cheating. But it can take longer time to move on
if the death of a beloved partner is the cause of
the separation.
In fact, it takes extra ordinary pressure for a new
relationship to start for this kind of people.
And it also depends on the individual. Some
people don't get over issues very fast, it takes
ages. While for some, before the twinkling of an
eye they are on the next thing.
Some also consider what people will say before
getting into another relationship.
And no one, i repeat, no one nor any manual can
tell you when you can get into a new relationship
because it is if you are in the situation you can
decide that.
When it is right, no one will tell you, you will have
even fallen before you realise you are in love
again and you will be like it is so sudden, i don't
even know how i fell.
What people can just do is to persuade you when
it is taking longer than expected, and it is
because they are not in your shoes.
To be realistic, that shoe may not even size
many of them, if they were in your situation, their
case might even be worse, but just that it should
be noted they did their best to console you to
the next level.
All i know is that you will definitely fall in love
again, the time, i can't tell.

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