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Love: The Reason For Christmas

The Christmas season is one that comes with joy, laughter and celebration. It is usually characterized by merriment and celebration in our homes. Many people make use of this opportunity to drink and party around town, some take it as an opportunity to visit their villages and hometowns which they have not visited for a long time. But the sad thing is that people always tend to forget the real reason for the season, they forget what the celebration is all about.

What is Christmas all about? The answer to this question is no mystery. December 25 is generally accepted and believed to be the day that Christ Jesus was born into this world, although many have argued that this isn't true but the most important thing is that Christ Jesus was born. It doesn't matter if it was in December or March or June.

Now, The Bible says in John 3:16

“For God so LOVED the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

Take note of the bolded word in the scripture. Love. That’s the reason for Christmas. God so LOVED the world that he sent Jesus. If there was no LOVE in it, I mean if God had not loved the world, he wouldn’t have sent Jesus to die.

It is also very important to note that Jesus had a choice. He could have chosen not to die for the world. It wouldn’t have made Jesus a sinner nor would it have made God mad at him. Jesus willingly gave up his life for the world, it was difficult but he still did it. Why? Because he so LOVED the father and was willing to do anything to please the father, he was willing also to LOVE all those who the father loved.

So as you go about the celebration today, don’t forget that LOVE was the reason God sent Jesus to the world. LOVE was the reason Jesus carried out the mission willingly and LOVE should a characteristic of your celebration this season.

Take out time to check out the needy, the beggars along the street, the homeless and that parentless child. Devote your time today to make them feel loved. Instead of wasting your money on drinks and parties, you can reach out to this people and share with them things they need.

For example, you can give out some of your children’s old clothes to the less privileged child, but make sure that the clothes are still neat and presentable. If you can afford to buy new ones for them, don’t hesitate.

There could also be families out there who do not even have food to eat today, if you can afford it, buy a bag of rice and share among these families. If you cant afford a bag of rice, buy a paint rubber or something else that you are sure would be of value to them.

Also show Love to yourself. Remember if there was no you, Christ would not have died for animals. Christ died for you, God so loved "us", that's why he sent Jesus. If we weren't in the picture, there would have been none to love. So Christmas is about "us", it's about people, it's about YOU. So I can also say "You are the reason for the season", "I am the reason for the season."

Let's celebrate Christ, let's celebrate Love let's celebrate You, let's celebrate people, let's celebrate ourselves.

Merry Christmas

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