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The Significances Of Christmas


It is another festive period for we christans as we celebrate the birth of our Lord,Jesus CHRIST.Obviously,it is a day of merriment and elation because it is a remarkable day that our saviour was born

However,many christians fail to know the significances of chrismas in their lifes,Jesus was born to save man from eternal damnation.God gave his only Son to give us life(john 3:15).God has shown his love for us(romans 5:and Jesus also added one law to the existing ones that we should LOVE each other.do you have Love?Truly,Love is scarced among the christians of today.We must wake up and replicate the steps of God by loving each other.

Another significance of christmas day is gift presentation(matt 2:11)this chapter and verse shows how the wise men(astrologers)presented gift to Jesus.Some people are just celebrating xmas without giving to people.what we fail to know is that the gift is an appreciation to GOD for the gift(Jesus)he sent to reconcile us with him

The bible says"and she shall bring forth a son and thou shall call his name Jesus for He shall save his people from thier sins"(matt 1:21).If truly Jesus was born and you are still dinning in the garden of sin,you are not worthy to celebrate his birth.He has come to give us life and to give it more abundantly,but,dishearteningly,some are yet to receive life through the christ's birth.

Futhermore,his birth symbolized humility.He stooped so low to be born in a manger.A person that was arrayed in heaven took the form of man on earth.hmmm,is that not exceptional?can you follow the step?.Frankly,this is worthy of emulation and he has encouraged us to have humility in order to gain the world(matt 5:5).

Brothers and Sisters,what are you celebrating?are you following the bandwagon?or you are truly celebrating the significances of Jesus'birth?.We must celebrate XMAS as the day we are given life and light,the day we are released from the bondage of curses and sins.

Dear christians,if you are celebrating Jesus'birth and you are not imitating him,you are deceiving yourself




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